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Students holding books in the middle school library

Director of Library, Media and Technology

Molly Laden


McGlynn MS Library Staff

Guiding Principles

The school libraries have three main areas of focus for students:

  1. To promote literacy and reading for learning, personal growth and enjoyment
  2. To assist students and classroom teachers in fostering academic achievement
  3. To create responsible digital citizens

For the school community at large, the school library’s mission is to promote a culture of literacy and learning for all, and provide a welcoming space for collaboration, project creation, and inspiration.

Curriculum Overview

In middle school, students review and build on the library knowledge and skills learned in elementary school. Middle school students may use the library independently and with the help of the library staff to find books and information.  These skills and knowledge can include understanding how the library is organized and the different types of resources available; learning how to locate resources in the library; learning how to select books of interest and reading for pleasure; learning how to select books and resources for a class assignment/project; understanding and exploring different types of books, different book formats, and genres; learning to appreciate reading and books; understanding the purpose of the library and its materials as a community resource; learning the library processes and the importance of being responsible with library materials.  

Students generally visit the library on a flexible schedule many times as a part of one of their core classes. This can be a whole-class visit, small-group or individual visits.  Students may also visit the library as a part of a class assignment or project.