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Frigid Weather This Week

Frigid Weather This Week
Frigid Temperatures

Dear McGlynn Middle School Community,

Weather forecasts for the remainder of this week are calling for frigid temperatures. This reminder is being sent for the safety and well-being of our students and how dressing appropriately for these temperature drops is important. Please review your child’s winter attire prior to leaving for school, regardless of whether they walk, drive in, or ride the bus.

Dressing in layers is important for warmth and skin protection. When going outside, it is important to make sure the skin that can be easily affected by frostbite is covered: nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, and toes. Frostbite can develop in less than 15 minutes when the temperature falls below 0° F or in extreme cold weather.  

We are working with our transportation partners to ensure that students can remain in cars at the bus stop in the mornings to await the arrival of the bus. Additionally, we will hold recess indoors when the weather temperatures are extreme. These efforts, along with other safety measures, are done to ensure the safety of all our students.

In closing, please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need help with winter clothing or other resource needs. Together, we can make sure our students stay warm and protected during this winter season.

Nick Tucci